project. ARMOLA
project partner.
project description.
Communicating, perceiving and processing information is a challenge in many areas, especially when the abundance of information makes it difficult to present. To remedy this situation, banners, displays and other physical formats have been developed in the past that allow information to be visualized using text and graphics. However, these appraoches require a great deal of resources and personnel, as the physical information carriers cannot be easily updated and the materials have to be physically transported, set up and adapted to the spatial conditions. Based on the augmented reality (AR) technology, these physical processes can be replaced digitally and extended virtually. This also applies to the application context considered in the project, the mobile apprenticeship exhibition of the Federal Employment Agency, which is intended to provide pupils with guidance when choosing an apprenticeship.
The ARMOLA project aims to offer pupils the opportunity to find out about their apprenticeship opportunities and possibilities in an interactive and playful way through the virtualization and visualization of location and apprenticeship data. The application not only replaces conventional information carriers, but also provides additional information. Pupils can use their smartphone/tablet to project a map into the room, select regions and apprenticeship categories and thus view information on suitable apprenticeship positions. The application is used as part of pupil orientation events for the regions of Brandenburg, Potsdam, Potsdam-Mittelmark and Teltow-Fläming.
project implementation.
Project Lead
Dr. Jakob J. Korbel
Dr. Jakob J. Korbel, Markus Gottschalk
Markus Gottschalk, Dr. Jakob J. Korbel
Technical Art:
Dr. Jakob J. Korbel, Markus Gottschalk
Agentur für Arbeit:
Project Lead:
Fabian Schüler, Sophia Geißler, Jeanett Kühne
Fabian Schüler, Sophia Geißler, Jeanett Kühne