project. Ostia Forum Virtual Deposit
project partner.
Ostia Forum Virtual Deposit
09.2021 - 09.2024
A 200 year-long Quest for Traces in Ostia:
The Discovery of a Sanctuary
01.04.2022 - 30.09.2022
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2022
02.07.2022 | 6:00 - 10:00 pm
Autumn Conference of the German Ethics Council
Lost in “Metaverse’’? On the Intertwining of Real and Digital Worlds
15.11.2023 | 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
project description.
Ever since the first archaeological excavations in the history of mankind, "cultural treasure troves" around the world have been filled with an astonishing number of archaeological findings - but unfortunately, the vast majority of them has to be kept behind closed doors in deposits and archives. All the museums in the world could not exhibit them at once, even if they wanted to. Thus, they remain hidden not only from the eyes of the public, but also from those of archaeologists, who can only resort to photographs or drawings of the objects for their work.
The Extended Reality based Ostia Forum Virtual Deposit allows not only to look at such archaeological objects, but to "take them in one's hand", explore their provenance and learn about their meaning and background. In the prototypical application, 12 virtual objects - physically stored in the actual Ostia Antica archive in Rome-Ostia - can be accessed interactively.
project implementation.
Project Lead, Production & Direction:
Dr. Jakob J. Korbel
Markus Gottschalk, Dr. Jakob J. Korbel
Technical Art & Audio:
Dr. Jakob J. Korbel, Markus Gottschalk
Project Lead & Curation:
Prof. Dr. Axel Gering
Archaeological 3D Models:
Steven Götz (Reconstructions), Trine Bak Pedersen, Sophie Menge, Daniel Damgaard, Jesper V. Jensen, Johannes Trockels, Niccolò Daviddi
Special Thanks: Parco archaeologico di Ostia Antica, Fergus Rüter, Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Zarnekow